Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Abraham Believed God

In Romans 4 I was reading where it says Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him as righteousness. But you need to read on and see the end of that chapter. It is so good. It says that he didn't waver or doubt even though he new his age and Sarah's age. No distrust made him waver when he thought of the promises of God. He just gave glory to God and his faith increased. Fully convinced God was able to do what He had promised. That is why it was counted unto him as righteousness. But then it says in the word that those words "it was counted to him" were not written for him alone, but for us also. If we too will believe the promises that God has given to us, our faith will grow and it will be counted unto us as righteousness. What has God promised you? Your families salvation, healing for your body, deliverance for someone you love who is bound, financial miracle, a better job, strength for a particular situation, healing for your broken spirit, joy, peace, deliverance from fear, restored relationships, the list could go on and on. Only you know what God has promised you. The question now is-Do you believe He will do it? Do you believe He can? Do you believe He wants to? Is the devil trying to defeat you by causing you to doubt? Just go ahead and praise him and give Him glory as if it has already happened. It will build your faith and be counted unto you as righteousness. God does not make promises as men make promises. Unfulfilled. He is God and He cannot lie. If he has promised you something through the word or through your spirit, then hang on because He is working all things for your good. It may not come just when you think it should or how you think it should, but rest assured He will fulfill those promises. Be steadfast, unmoveable in the work of the Lord and see how He will work. I remember that song, There's a Promise coming down that dusty road". Some of you have been in the dessert so long that the road you are on is so dusty and dry. You haven't felt the presence of God in so long, you haven't seen Him move lately in your life, but just hold on--The promise is coming down your dusty road and you are about to receive your miracle.