Monday, April 9, 2012

Peace In the Midst of the Storm

I remember when we went to Africa on a missions trip. We got to go whitewater rafting in the Nile on our free day. What an experience! It was so dangerous. When we would come to the rapids our guide would tell us what to do and how to paddle, then we would get down in the raft so we wouldn't fall out. There were times I know my mind was screaming Let me out! Let me out!I am going to DIE! But then after the rapid the water would be just as calm and peaceful and beautiful.

In my Bible reading today it was talking about how the disciples were on the seas with Jesus in the boat. The storms begin to rage and they were very afraid. They woke Jesus saying, "Don't you even care that we are about to perish? " Jesus spoke to the storm and said, " Peace be still." Then He questioned them about their faith.

I wonder how many times we have been in the midst of a storm and begged Jesus to stop the storm or remove us from it. Instead of us drawing closer to Him and finding the peace that we need to face the storm and go through it, we want out. Little do we realize that when we go through the storm we come out stronger on the other side. Not only that, but He is always with us and he will not take us through something that is going to destroy us. Most of us are screaming, Let me out! Let me out! I am going to DIE! Oh, if we would just get as close to Him as we could and say, Jesus, I am not real excited about this storm I am going through, but I know it is for a reason and I know you will be here with me. Thank you, Lord, for believing in me that I could face a storm and make it through with your help.

I challenge you today to take time to walk or do some form of exercise. While you are doing it and feeling the pain or difficulty may you also realize that after that is over you will have become stronger, have better endurance, feel more energetic, feel better about yourself. Life isn't easy whether in the physical or spiritual, but with God's help in both areas we CAN DO IT!