Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Never Knew You

In our scripture reading for today is the story of the 10 virgins. The 5 wise who carried extra oil for their lamps and the 5 foolish who did not. The Bridegroom came and the 5 foolish were not ready. When they finally came and knocked at the door to get in and He said Depart from me I never knew you.

I pray I never hear those words from my Heavenly Father. But I am afraid there are those who have served God in the past and are going through the motions today, but they are not in relationship with him today. That word know is the same as being in an intimate relationship with someone. God wants to be intimate with us. He wants to know us and us know him. But many have allowed their lamps to run low on oil, or their vessels to run low of the Holy Spirit. We don't keep our spiritual life up to date.

When He returns for us, will we be ready? Will our lamps be full? Will we be looking for him or are we so caught up in the busyness of today or the cares of this life that we aren't even watching for him? I pray that we will all realize just how close His coming is and that we must be watching and ready. We must realize that there are many things we are doing today that have no eternal value to them whatsoever and we are so caught up in them that we are not doing what we should do.

I challenge you during this time of getting our physical man under control that we also discipline our spiritual man and make sure there is nothing in our hearts and lives that should not be there if Jesus came today. Keep up the good and work and know that you are not alone in your efforts.