But Jesus knew how Peter would feel so He told the angel to tell Mary and the others to tell the disciples and Peter. He knew Peter needed to be reminded of how much Jesus loved him. Even though He failed, even though He denied Him, even though what he said he would never do, he did. Jesus still loved him and wanted him to know that He was okay and alive and He was coming to meet with him.
I am sure in your life and mine there have been times we have failed Him and the devil told us we could never be the same again, we could never find forgiveness, we were too far gone, our past was too bad, we had made too many mistakes, and so on and so on. But all it takes is one word from the Savior, one touch of His grace, one look of mercy and we know we are forgiven. Nothing can separate us from His love.
Be encouraged today, no matter where you find yourself, Jesus knows where you are and how you are feeling and He is calling you back to him. Maybe just back to him to lay your burdens on Him and let Him carry them. Maybe back to Him to find the direction you have been seeking for your life. Back to him to find forgiveness or a place to belong. Or maybe just back to Him to be reminded of just how much He loves you.
Be encouraged today that He is walking with you. He is your help and strength. Even when you have tried real hard for 2 weeks and only wanted to lose 5 lbs and the scales say you gained a pound. It's okay it is just where the fat has turned to muscle and it weighs more. Go by how your clothes fit and don't give up.