Friday, April 13, 2012

God is stll God

It is wonderful that even on days when we don't feel so great, when we are under the weather or if is just a bad day, God is still God. He never changes! His power never fails, His love never waivers, His grace never runs out. He is so faithful to come through for us when our physical bodies want to stop. We had a great service at Highland Park A/G tonight with Jason and Krissi Lowrey. Lives of many women touched and changed, freedom brought in the service tonight. I am looking forward to what God is going to do tomorrow morning.

No matter what we may need God is still God and He is an all sufficient God. Anything we need we can find in him. Our peace,victory,healing, deliverance, forgiveness, joy, salvation, comfort, no matter what, He stands ready to touch our lives. We must come to him though with an open heart and ask Him. He will not force himself on us.

I was reminded in the message tonight that many of us have been in church so long and we look down our noses at people who are living in sin, when we ourselves are carrying bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, jealousy toward another. This too is SIN. It too will send us to hell. Oh that we would strive each day to see how close we can live to God and not how close we can live to this world and be like the world and still be called a christian.

God is still God and He is still looking for a holy people. Lord, let me be found faithful.