"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people" (Colossians 3:23, NLT)
WOW! What a thought! If we did everything for the Lord it would be so different. Imagine washing clothes for the Lord, cooking for the Lord, mowing the grass, cleaning house, and all for God. I know that is hard for us to imagine, why would we want to do it for the Lord?
Think about it, when you are tired and you come in and still have to cook and clean the house. It is very easy to get disgusted or aggravated if we feel like we are doing it all for people who are not appreciating it or don't acknowledge what we have done. But if we do it for God, then we will strive to do it with excellence and be diligent about it. We are thankful to Him for the blessings he has given us, a house, a family, food to cook, clothes to wash, etc. If we look at it all as his and we are just the caretakers of it, it makes it a lot easier.
What would it be like if Jesus really came and stayed with you? How would it feel to cook for Him? To wash his clothes? To make his bed? (although I am sure Jesus would make his own bed because He would know how happy it makes me feel for the beds to be made) Would we do our work at home and on the job differently is Jesus were there physically? Would his presence change our actions, attitudes, behavior, and words? Well, if you think it would, I have news for you. He is there with us each and every day.
We need to make our prayer as wives, mothers, husbands, fathers, whatever our title may be, Lord, help me to do all I have to do with gladness of heart and as unto you, knowing you are here with me and you are going to help me to accomplish each task that lies before me. If I take each one at a time and allow your spirit to help me, I can get more accomplished than when I try to do it on my on and I don't acknowledge that I am doing it for you.
Make that your prayer today!