Thursday, March 1, 2012

Love Doesn't Condemn

"So let's stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall" (Romans 14:13, NLT)

Oh, that this could be our prayer each day, Lord, help me not to cause someone to stumble.

Remember how you used to play as a child and sometimes you would stick your foot out and try to trip someone? It was so funny then, but as we became older and realized the danger in doing that we stopped and we also make our children stop. But how often do we stick our carnal judgement, thoughts, or actions out in front of someone who is weaker or newer in the Lord than we are and cause them to stumble.

Do we not see the danger in that? Do we not realize that it is more than just a physical danger, but an eternal one? What if your ideas, opinions, or judgement is what causes a person to stop going to church, to stop trying to live for God, and to stop believing in Christians? Do we think we will escape the judgement of God when we have been condemning others? We know from the scripture that condemnation doesn't come from God, so if we are filled with it then we need to get it out of our lives.

How would you like to be judged by the judgement you give? You will be. Maybe not here but in heaven. However you treated others, however you judged them is exactly how you will be judged by God. It is so easy for us to forget just how blessed we are and how merciful and gracious God has been to our lives. He extends that same mercy and grace to the drug addict, the alcoholic, the homeless, the bitter, the dirty, the one with the dirty mouth, the prostitute, and the good ole boy or girl. We hold the key to future.

We carry the gift of salvation, love, and forgiveness that they need to know about. Remember, we are God with skin on. What are they seeing in you and I?

My challenge to you today is to be aware of those around you who are less fortunate. Maybe those we would normally turn away from or shun. God has placed them in your path for a reason. Don't condemn them, love them, reach out to them, and let God touch their lives.