"But those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in Him." (I John 2:5, NLT)
Have you ever seen someone who says they love you but they do everything opposite of what they should do or what you would want them to do? It goes back to the saying, your actions speak louder than your words.
The same is true of our love for God. We say we love Him and are Christians, but our actions, our behavior, and conversation says something so much different than that. This verse says those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love him. Many people say, but it is too hard to live by the Bible. What a joke! If we love God, then we are going to live according to His word. If we love Him, then it is not a burden to live for him.
We make it so much harder than what it really is. All we have to do is simply read His Word and let His spirit speak to us on a daily basis of specific things He would have us to do. Things such as calling, writing, facebooking someone to check on them, witnessing to a co-worker, praying for a lost loved one, etc. The list is endless and it is brand new each day. We strive to love God with all of our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves and live at peace with God and man and everything else will fall into place.
This scripture also says this is how we know we are living in him. Are you aware of God's presence each day in your life? He is always there, but do we recognize his presence. Do we live like He is there? Do we talk like He is there listening to us? Do we realize He is there watching what we watch? Do you talk to Him each day throughout the day because you recognize His presence?
My challenge to you today is to examine your life and see if your actions are matching your words. When you say you love God are you showing that love by your obedience to His word? Make sure you are aware of His presence today. Talk to him throughout the day as you walk with Him.