"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8, NIV)
One of the greatest ways we can show other people we love them is to not speak negatively of them to others. It is a good thing for us to remember that we all have weaknesses. I know that we would not want others sharing about our weaknesses or mistakes and so we too should live by that rule to keep things to ourselves.
If we are going to talk to someone about stuff in other peoples lives, it should be God. He is the only one who can take care of them, help them, forgive them, etc. When we love someone enough to not gossip about them or share their secrets, then we cover a multitude of sins. It is not hiding sins, but it is loving someone enough to not try to expose everything they have done.
God's word tells us explicitly to love each other deeply above all. It is not a suggestion, but a command in this verse. So we must put a check on our minds and mouths that we not say something that is going to be hurtful to someone else.
The challenge today is to think of someone who loved you enough to cover your sins. Send them a thank you card. Then think of someone who needs the same from you and obey God's word.