"After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, "Do you understand what I was doing? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, because that's what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you." (John 13:12-15, NLT)
UGHHHH! Washing someone else's feet! I know so many of you think that is disgusting. Strangely enough, we talked about this at CE conference this past weekend. We used to do a lot of foot washing in church. But if you announced a foot washing today, very few would show up. Oh, my, I can't wash someone else's feet and I sure don't want them washing mine. That is what we would hear instead.
I remember as a child going to foot washings at church and watching those women wash each others feet. I was always fascinated by the fact that many of them left their hose on while getting them washed. I always thought they needed to take them off, but I later found out just how quick they can dry. I also found out they could feel God's presence and shout in that pan of water with them on. It was wonderful to see God minister not only to the person being washed but also the one doing the washing. That is what Jesus is trying to tell you, you will be just as blessed as the person you are serving if you serve with love.
Jesus led by example, just as we should. He asked the disciples after He washed their feet if they understood what He was doing. My question to you is do you understand what He was doing? He was demonstrating to us the act of love. Love serves! We can say all day long that we love someone, but are you willing to serve them. Are you willing to lay aside your pride and your position to show them you love them. It doesn't mean we have to literally go around washing people's feet, although we need to sometimes, it is quite humbling. But it does mean we need to humble ourselves and do what is needed in service to show them we love them.
My challenge to you today is to think of one person you can show love to by serving them. Think of a different way then what you would normally do to serve them. Make it something that is not necessarily comfortable for you and see what God does in you as you serve. You will be surprised!