I had thought I would do this challenge for 30 days, but after my devotion this morning I am changing that to 40 days. I had to get a new Bible app for my ipad this morning and the one I got had a version with 40 days with Jesus on it. It is the Bible.is app. It begins in the New Testament and will go through the gospels with several chapters each day. So I challenge you to begin this 40 days with Jesus too. Read 5-8 chapters each day beginning in Matthew. I will try to let you know what chapters if you can't get it on your phone or something.
You see, I KNOW I need Jesus to walk me with not just for the next 40 days, but everyday. Especially these next 40 days as I try to change the habits I have developed that are not good for me. Another scripture in the chapters for today (Matthew 1-7) was the beatitude that says, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. I am believing that during this 40 days as we meditate on His word and getting this temple in shape that we will be filled both physically and spiritually.
There was a day I remember craving something chocolate, you know how it is. I hunted all over the house trying to find something. I ended up in my kids drawers looking for Valentine or Easter Candy. Sure enough I found and old Hershey's Kiss. It was turning a little white it was so old, but I didn't care I ate it. It was wonderful!!!! And I was satisfied. There are days when I crave being in the presence of God just as bad and I can't wait to get there and be satisfied. Sometimes we hunt and hunt for a time or place to get alone with Him but He is always there waiting for us with open arms. Satisfaction Indeed!
I have done well so far today. Claresa and I walked this morning. We ate a good breakfast and are eating our small meals throughout the day. I am so excited to have you as my acountability partner and I pray you are having a good day. I just had a thought I am going to start a Dieters 40 Days with Jesus page on facebook so we can share recipes and stuff. Join us and give us your ideas, helps and scriptures. Have a great day and stay away from the bread, unless it is double fiber.