Thursday, March 15, 2012

Love's Place

"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does it's own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love" (Ephesians 4:16, NLT)

Aa Christians we have each been given special gifts, talents, and abilities to serve in the Kingdom of GOd. All of them are equally important. Each one of us is important to the whole body of Christ. It is Satan who does his best to convince you that you are not important, that you have nothing to offer, that you aren't gifted or talented enough. We all have something to offer. As we all work together we find the whole body works better.

It is just like our physical body. We need each part and each part needs the other parts. Our legs must rely on our hands to pick things up. Our eyes must rely on our ears to hear things it may not see. Our body parts must work together according to what the brain tells it to do. We too as memmbers of the body of Christ must work together doing what Christ has called us to do.

I remember one man we used to see who had no arms, he ate with his feet, worked with his feet, drove a car with his feet, etc. It was quite amazing. Because he had no arms, he had to compensate and use what he had. It was not natural and would have been much easier for him I am sure if he had his arm.

We have people in the body of Christ who have been called to be arms but are not doing their part and the other parts of the body have to compensate to make up for what they are not doing. It is easier if the whole body works together the way it should, we get so much more accomplished for the Kingdom when we do.

The challenge today is to examine your gift and see where and how you can be using them for the kingdom. Find a place in your local church to serve. We are all called to serve. If you are not serving, then you are not doing your part in the body. Pray and ask God to help you see where you need to be and what you need to be doing.