Thursday, July 12, 2012

Silence The Lambs!

Have you ever done something you know is wrong or not necessarily wrong but not what you were supposed to do. Maybe God told you to do something and you did only part of it or nothing at all? After that it is like this constant voice in your head reminding you that you didn't do it or you didn't do it how God said do it and you can't get away from it.

Saul was the same way. God told him to destroy the Amalekites, both man, woman, and beasts. He destroyed the people but then His people took the animals as spoil. When God sends Samuel to deal with Saul and tell Him what God says, Saul says I did what God said. Then Samuel says, What is that bleating of sheep I hear? It was like they were saying, BAAA, Saul disobeyed, BAAAA, Saul didn't kill us, BAAAA.
So Saul says, the people kept those to offer as sacrifices to God. Samuel's reply was that God told them to destroy it all. Then Saul says, but I was afraid of the people and obeyed their voice. So Samuel had to tell Saul that he would no longer be king. God was removing him because "Obedience is better than sacrifice" and "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft".

How often have we not obeyed the commands or nudging of the spirit because we were afraid of what people would think or we listened to the voice of others instead of what God was telling us? How often has the voice we listened to been our own instead of God? Is there a situation in your life that you know is not in full alignment with God's command to you? Do you hear sheep bleating? Do you have a constant reminder that you have not obeyed? If so you need to thank God for that reminder and make things right with Him. If we obey in the little things then He can bless us in big ways. Silence the Lambs! Obey God!