Monday, March 12, 2012

Love Doesn't Doubt

"No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39, NLT)

Isn't that a wonderful thought? Nothing can seperate us from the love of Christ. Nothing in the sky or on the earth. The only thing that seems to seperate us is our doubt or when we allow situations to dim our view of God's love for us. When we think God loves like we love, conditionally. When we think He has forgotten about us or don't care about us because of something we are going through. When we get our eyes on self and circumstances instead of Him. When we run away from him instead of to Him.

And all the time He is standing there waiting fo rus to come back to him. Waiting for us to come and find rest and peace in his arms. Waiting for us to be reminded of just how much He loves us. How was God's love revealed in His son? His Son died for you. If he loved us enough to die for us as sinners, don't you think He loves you even more now as His child?

The challenge today is to lay aside doubt and any thought that would try to make you think God does not love you or care about you. Ask yourself are you running away from God or to him? Determine to never doubt his love for you no matter what you may be facing. Realize He is right there with you.